In order to ensure the smooth running of the Club, sub-committees are in place for the following:

Management – made up of the Chairs of the major sub-committees.
The Management committee, in conjunction with the Managing Secretary prepare the annual budget and review the affairs of the Club for presentation to the Board.

Marketing and Membership – responsible for promoting the Club through appropriate marketing and PR and to deal with all new Members including membership strategy.

House – responsible for the maintenance, capital and revenue expenditure and smooth running of the Clubhouse, Bar and Catering.

Golf – responsible for Club competitions and handicaps. Specific queries relating to golf matters should be made to the Competition Secretary

Greens – responsible for course maintenance, capital and revenue budgeting and planned works.

Entertainments – responsible for social events in the Club

The current Clubs officials and Directors are

President – Mr John Butterfield
Captain – Mr Steve Carlisle
Vice Captain – Mr Michael Dearden
Honorary Treasurer – Mr Steve Barltrop
Lady Captain – Mrs Mandy Lang

Chair of the Board – Mr Alan Garbutt
Vice Chair – Mr Craig White
Membership and Marketing Chair – Mr John Butterfield
Greens Chair – Mr Ian Casey
Golf Chair – Mr Steve Carlisle
House Chair – Mr Craig White
Entertainments Chair – Mr Michael Dearden
Director - Mrs Louise Hill
Director - Mr Gary Mountain
Director - Mr Ian Doughty

Gents Handicap Secretary – Mr Gary Kerrigan
Ladies Handicap Secretary – Mrs Beth Nicholson